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This overseas joint project involved universities from five countries (Australia, UK, India, Canada and Japan), including domestic partners from the Kobe Design University and Miyazaki International College. 10 Students from KUISs and Miyazaki International College received entrepreneurship training for 10 days at the Western Sydney University in Australia. Later, other 24 students from overseas and domestic partner universities participated in an entrepreneurship training program for 11 days in Kobe. At a March 24th Conference,  32 students showcased what they learned about entrepreneurship and startup ecosystems by making a "start-up pitch" presentation which explained their new business idea, analyzed their market competitors, and outlined their operational strategy moving forward. The total number of the participants marked 71 including faculty members and guests. KUISs hopes that this experience will lead to future interest in entrepreneurship among students and facilitate their further professional and personal growth. Kansai University of International Studies is committed to study abroad experiences of its students and their engagement with diverse cultures. It supported various aspects of this program, such as pre-training orientations and other financial support. If you are interested in attending KUISs in the future, we hope you will join us! The conference was managed by Innovation Dojo Japan LLC, and the conference space was kindly provided by ACALL Co., Ltd. Goal of this Project Entrepreneurial activity in Japan is sluggish, and although there are efforts to support venture enterprises, it has not yet contributed significantly to the revitalization of the Japanese economy. There are several factors for this, one of which is the lack of young individuals who aspire to be entrepreneurs. Therefore, through this Ministry of Education-sponsored project, KUISs seeks to contribute to the revitalization of society by focusing on cultivating international citizens with an entrepreneurial mindset. The University also hopes to encourage students to consider their own start-up businesses in the future or use such an entrepreneurial spirit in their life-long career. Partner Universities Kobe Design University (Japan), Miyazaki International College (Japan), Western Sydney University (Australia), University of Delhi (India), University of Keele (UK), Vancouver Island University (Canada) Participating Companies and Cooperating Organizations of this Program Kobe City, Kansai Association of Corporate Executives, Innovation Dojo Japan LLC, Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation at Kobe, AIR WATER INC., Aeras Bio Co., Ltd., TOA Corporation, Shinki Bus Co., Ltd., ACALL Co., Ltd., Pasona Inc., Anchor Kobe, Knowledge Capital, Australia in Japan Embassies, British Embassy Japan, Embassy of Canada in Japan, Embassy of India in Japan, Consulate General of Switzerland in Osaka (in no particular order) connection: Nurturing a Global Entrepreneurship Mindset 202303.27 大学の世界展開力強化プログラムの一環として「第1回 国際学生起業家会議」が開催されました この記事をシェアする English News一覧に戻る 姉妹校・園 神戸山手女子中学校・高等学校 関西保育福祉専門学校 認定こども園 難波愛の園幼稚園 汐江ふたば保育園 塚口北ふたば保育園 サイトマップ 採用情報 プライバシーポリシー サイトポリシー SNS運用ポリシー Kansai University of International Studies ©All rights reserved. 急上昇中 人気の検索ワード オープンキャンパス WEB出願 いま注目のページ よく見られているページ キャンパスの案内 オープンキャンパス 数字でわかる関西国際大学 学費・奨学金 もう見ましたか? おすすめのページ 濱名山手学院 創立100周年 大学からのお知らせ 就職内定者の声 公開講座

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